Redesigns, Updates, Site Launches & New Team Members

BrandExtract hit the ground running in the first quarter of 2019. We updated multiple clients’ websites, attended a design conference in Austin, hosted a VR/AR demonstration at our office, and welcomed three new team members.
Web Updates and Launches For Target Hospitality, Anadarko & Rigby Refining
Three of BrandExtract’s biggest projects this quarter were the (re)launching of websites for Target Hospitality, Anadarko and Rigby Refining.
Target Hospitality
At the end of the first quarter, we helped Target Hospitality convert existing assets to reflect their newly named brand. Formerly Target Lodging, they wanted their brand updated so that it reflected their diverse offering, not just their workforce and housing management capabilities. Further driving the need for a brand update was their plan to take the company public toward the end of the first quarter.
In preparation for the rebrand and their IPO, we developed a new name and brand identity that we then disseminated to existing collateral material. We also developed materials for investors, and updated the Investor Relations page of their site. On top of that, we also provided Target Hospitality a Pitch Book that helped tell the story of the company’s long history and how they got to where they are today. All of this culminated in Target Hospitality’s IPO on March 15th.
For leading E&P company Anadarko, we put the finishing touches on web updates that came out of usability testing we conducted earlier in the year. Based on the results of our testing, we updated Andarko’s site navigation, reorganized some of their interactive content, and added videos to select marquees. All in order to make the site more interactive and modern.
Rigby Refining
On March 14, we launched the new Rigby Refining website. Our team worked tirelessly, collaborating with Rigby to design and architect their new digital presence. The end result was a brand new site that connects with Rigby’s target market and communicates the value they bring to the marketplace. Along with Rigby Refining, we are extremely proud of the final product and what this new site will do for their business.
Creative Updates & Ad Campaigns With Knight Energy & Pioneer Bank
Aside from launching new websites, we continued to fine-tune websites and logos for Knight Energy Services, while also creating a new ad campaign for Pioneer Bank.
Knight Energy Services
Following their merger with IronGate and a rebrand in the fourth quarter of 2018, we were enlisted to help reimagine Knight Energy Service’s classic knight logo. Once developed, we applied the new design to their existing assets and collateral such as letterhead, envelopes and business cards.
Pioneer Bank
In Q1 we partnered with Pioneer Bank to create a new ad campaign. Being a community-driven bank with exceptional customer service, Pioneer wanted a campaign that accurately showcased this focus. The end result was an advertising campaign that highlighted their impact and involvement in the community. Deliverables for the campaign included digital and print ads for local publications and events.
First Round Design Conference
During Valentine's Day weekend a couple of BE’s designers traveled to Austin to attend the First Round Design Conference. The First Round Design Conference is a one-day showcase of original presentations made to clients showing initial design explorations. Designers share their first-round presentation process and discuss the best way to pitch and get work implemented. It was an incredibly constructive event that our designers are already seeing benefits from.
BE Hosts Events On VR/AR & Web Accessibility
In February and March, BrandExtract hosted two events for clients and industry professionals: one on VR/AR technology, the other on the importance of website accessibility.
First, we teamed up with Vision Production Group to show off the awesome power of Virtual and Augmented Reality technology during a special showcase. We looked at how these technologies could be used to show off products, environments, and how they could be used by businesses in the future.
Then, our very own, Donovan Buck, held a special lecture on the importance of website accessibility. His presentation covered everything on the increasingly important topic including what web accessibility is, what its legal ramifications are, and what companies can do to make their websites more accessible.
New Team Members
This quarter not only brought new challenges but new players. We are happy to announce two new team members, Adam Tapley, and Stacey Hodge, and a new intern, Michael Pyndus.
Adam is joining BrandExtract as our new Senior Designer. Adam has 11 years of graphic design experience and is a lover of logic puzzles. Adam often finds simple outside-the-box-solutions for complex design problems. Despite only being with us a short while, he’s already proven himself an invaluable team member.
We also hired Stacey Hodge, our new Senior Brand Manager. Stacey brings a balance of creativity and business with her background in advertising and account management. As such, Stacey offers an empathetic perspective; working internally with clients and designers to ensure everyone’s voices are heard.
We’re also proud to welcome our Digital Marketing Intern, Michael Pyndus. Michael comes to us from the University of Houston, where he’s studying for his Masters in Marketing. Diligent and focused, Michael has proven quite the team player, helping develop website content and social media strategies. We’re happy to have him and wish him the best as he starts his marketing career.
Looking Ahead: BrandExtract in Q2
It’s safe to say that 2019 started with a bang here at BrandExtract, but we’re just getting started. The second quarter promises to be a great one with several new clients on the horizon and various projects already underway. Items on our agenda include building sustainability reports, launching new internal sites and campaigns, logo designs, and finishing up in-depth research projects on identifying top drivers for customers.
As part of our ongoing efforts to give back, we’re also taking the time to volunteer. On April 5th, we’ll be lending a hand at the Houston ToolBank; giving back to the community that has long supported us.
We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our work for the first quarter of 2019, and look forward to the opportunities Q2 will bring us.