Donovan Buck Presents at OpenJS World Conference

Last month, BrandExtract Partner and Vice President of Software Donovan Buck shared his expertise with attendees at the OpenJS World Conference in Austin, Texas. The presentation covered ECMA-419, a robotics API used for interacting with hardware peripherals such as LEDs, motors, cameras, accelerometers and more.
Donovan's June 7th talk took place at the LinuxFoundation's 2022 OpenJS World, an event that highlights large open-source JavaScript projects. The presentation focused on new API specifications for controlling hardware, which will enable new capabilities in robotics and embedded systems without the use of host servers.
As a leading contributor to open-source JavaScript-based IoT and robotics projects, Donovan offers a uniquely experienced perspective on embedded systems that use JavaScript. For several years, he's served as an invited expert on ECMA TC-53 (the working group defining standard JavaScript API's for embedded systems), and has spoken at many conferences including CascadiaJS, EmpireNode, JSConf Colombia, Nodevember and others.
Donovan is currently working on an open-source JavaScript IoT and robotics framework for javascript on embedded devices known as J5e (Johnny-Five for embedded systems). To learn more about his work, explore J5e's website.