BrandExtract Nominated for Nine HBMA Lantern Awards

The fall award season is in full swing, and BrandExtract is proud to announce that we've been awarded nine different awards from the Lantern Awards by the Houston Business Marketing Alliance.
BrandExtract won awards for the following projects:
- EnerGeo Alliance Website
- Kinetik Website
- Milestone Sludgie Campaign
- Milestone Sludgie Signage
- Milestone Sludgie Mailer Campaign
- CF Financial Website Rebrand
- Milestone ESG Report
- Kinetik ESG Report
- Crestwood 2021 ESG Report
This year the HBMA Lantern Awards included projects that took place anytime between September 2019 to September 2022. For each of these projects, BrandExtract is confirmed to win either a Lantern Award or an Award of Excellence. The final results will be announced at the Lantern Awards Gala on November 17th.
Our team is extremely proud of the great work that we've accomplished in partnership with our clients, and we can't wait to share more news after the Lantern Awards gala. Stay tuned by keeping up with our News page, and look forward to more updates soon.